Expose.... Shoe Game 101

So I have a slight addiction to shopping well purses really and shoes. What I find interesting is that in high school I use to be the main chick in high heeled boots and now since I have been in college I have been reduced to flat however still stylish shoes. I do still however have a unique addiction to buying high heeled shoes. I only get to wear them out to dinner on the rare occasion that I decide to get dressed up. This is my latest find courtesy of TheBudgetBabe.com

These Christian Louboutin Nitoinimoi 120 Boots retail for $1,197 at mytheresa.com.

Get it for less

Get the look for less with the Criss Cross Suedette Boot instead, $32.80 at forever21.com.

The Year 2010


Is it me or does the end of the semester mark the beginning of all new things to come? Well in my mind it does. The end of the semester mixed with the a new year that is approaching is the ideal formula for a much needed transformation. It all forces me to look back at my semester much more critically. What I have learned thus far from my year in review is that I am getting older. It is time to pamper myself and take responsibility for my future and fashion plays a huge role in that. I think that it is important that in all things that we do, that we clearly reflect who we are. Everything from how we carry ourselves to the style of dress can convey how we are feeling, how we see ourselves and more importantly how well we take care of ourselves. In this year alone I have experienced what it is like to allow stress to govern your schedule and your actions and your thoughts. Once stress has a foothold in your life fear is afforded a much tighter grasp on your life and that can drastically effect your health. I experienced that for the vast majority of this semester. So if there is one piece of advice that I can offer to anyone for the year 2010 it is to take care of yourself. Pray ALOT , tell your family you love them and indulge yourself this year and every other year to come. Here is a peak at a few things that I am jonesing for this upcoming year.  The two pictures of figurines can be found at Charlotte Rousse.  



Pictures can also be found at thebudgetbabe.com