Dear New York ......I Loved This



Open publication - Free publishing - More beauty
Hello again,
So it's here again. You get to see the thing that governs my thoughts when I am not thinking about the perfect pair of shoes or dress or dish. It took a lot of work getting this issue out. I kept getting sick like left and right and tapping into the small fraction of creativity that I posses was almost impossible. However, I guess the strain of it all allows me to, for once, truly be surprised with how this issue came out.

I have a few more announcements that I will put in separate posts just for the sake of having more posts, shameful I know.

Enjoy this issue XOXO


Currently listening to: Brooklyn Go Hard on Slacker Radio
Location: Starbucks 
Working on: This post and Worthy Magazine 
Hello again, 
I am still adjusting to all the changes I am making to the magazine and getting my life in order. It's turning into a lot of work (I hate how lazy that makes me sound.) I have made it my goal (one of many) to blog consistently. Blogging is actually one of the things that really makes me happy. So I gotta get back into it. I miss visiting other blogs and getting inspired by all of the cool bloggers that I have linked up with. I got off to a late start ( no surprise there.) I am not feeling well but the show goes on. So I wanted to do a quick post-fill you in on what is going on in my head (a little bit.) I don't want to scare you away though lol. So I spotted this dress at Nasty Gal. That site is really becoming an obsession of mine. What do you think? Is the tribal print getting old yet? Either way I will probably still rock tribal printing when I am 60. But please do share. Would you wear it? I am kinda getting consumed with the idea of switching up my style. I haven't switched it up in about year. So I am trying to figure out what will flatter me.

I hope you have a good day. More posts coming soon. Also, I have some exciting news about Worthy magazine.