Lady Gaga is going to be a columnist


According to a report from Business Insider The Wire, Lady Gaga is going to be columnist for V magazine as a fashion and art columnist. More information about Gaga's latest adventure can be found at this site. Lady Gaga will be picking the art that will accompany her column and fans can submit their work to be selected by Gaga.

I Love Fashion Bomb Daily....Laquan Smith LQS line

I am loving this line that I found out about, thanks to Fashion Bomb Daily!!

I was wondering about the dress Selita Ebanks was wearing. Love it.

 Be sure to check out the designer's site


Rihanna takes Rolling Stone

What do you think? I love it.

Fashion Diary: Fashion Show Sunday and Why I Love My Mommy

When I was in middle school, really before that, I use to take anything that looked cool in my mother's room. I know it probably bothered my mother, but I look at it as a personal investment into my love for fashion. This belt was one of the many things I took from her room when I was in middle school. I have never lost it. This weekend I was dragged out of my apartment by my friend Marcus to go to a campus Fashion Show. So I figured I would break out the old belt. I hope you like the pics. How was your weekend? 
More pics coming soon of my friends. Just getting an early morning start. 

More pics later today.

I want it........ Thank you Fashion Bomb Daily

 I love it. What do you think? Thanks Fashion Bomb Daily
Updated Aviators at Emilio Pucci Spring/Summer 2011

Photo of the day: Lovin Beauty is Diverse


Loving everything about this shot!! Beauty is Diverse :)

Thank you Beauty is Diverse

So I am always looking for a new site to go to. I have been enjoying this site for a while. I first hear about it on Fashion Bomb Daily. So I just wanted to share this cover that I found at the site and let you know about the site as well. It is called Beauty is Diverse. Check them out. Thoughts about the cover I love it. AWESOME. I hope you are having a wonderful Friday. This is my second day not being deathly ill. Back to the resolutions now that I can move around. I hope all is well with you. 

The magazine is called Fantastics Magazine and the model is Sosheba Griffiths and it was photographed by Wendy Hope. I must say I am rocking to it.

New Post Fresh Xpress: Tips on turning yourself into a brand


I have a new post up on Fresh Xpress. You already know how I love the place. Make sure you stop by and stay for a while. I am still not feeling well at all. But the show must go on, I suppose. I promise I will resume the blogging once I am feeling better. I hope all is well with you.


Have a good weekend!!! 

I Want It ........ Thank you Fashion Bomb Daily


I love Ciara in this Fleece Sweatshirt from LuisviaRoma it cost $216. Thank you Fashion Bomb :) 

PS- I am sick beyond description. I intend to resume my regular blogging schedule of every other day very soon!!! Talk you later and I really hope that you are doing well. Hugs and kisses. If I can convince my mother to cut a sweat shirt up for me....... I will!!


Tyra Banks is a BOSS and So is Fashion Bomb Daily


It never fails. I had the worst morning but it is steadily getting better. There are a few reasons. I had an amazing interview session for an upcoming post for The Fresh Xpress.  While  I was surfing the net,  I came across this post on Fashion Bomb Daily. I am really excited about this.  Some may not be as excited as others but hopefully they will come around. Most people are familiar with Tyra's campaign to change the traditional standards of beauty. It is becoming clearer that America's Next Top Model was just the beginning. Moving on from her talk show and her online magazine, Tyra is launching a site called Type F, which is intended to further Tyra's latest endeavors of expanding the definition of beauty.  She has partnered with Demand Studios. What are your thoughts?

Sites you can check out 
Hope you like.

Perfectly Imperfect

Fear is possibly the most dangerous emotion a person can feel. It possesses the ability to cancel out rationale and if we allow it, can render us helpless. We submit to being doomed before we even try to do anything, when we are operating in fear. In the past few days, I have found that fear manifests in the imperfections of my life. I suppose I should take a step back. I don't want you to stop reading this post. I am hoping at the end of all of this you take something from my post that you can apply to your own life, should anyone read this post.

I am now stepping back. Are you ready? I am getting older and I am not ashamed of that. I have always been a person that is focused on growth and advancing in the things that truly matter, to me. For me, I desire peace first and foremost, then there is wisdom and then there is success. For a long time, I regarded every thing as a lesson. Then I came to college and for some reason I just believed that I was growing, and that it wasn't something that solicited intense analysis and meditation on my part any more. I adopted a very dangerous mentality to have when obstacles in your life occur. I began to think that I was responsible for anything that happened in my life.

The reason I say that sense of control is dangerous is (at least in my case) because that stringent delusion of control over every aspect of your life can conjure a very unique form of fear, if you allow it. In my case it made me feel helpless when things were not going my way. That sense of helplessness quickly becomes anxiety. I am realizing that even with prayer, life happens. The one thing that prayer secures is the peace, the calm and the agility needed to withstand the storm. It took my older brother reminding me of that. The other thing that prayer secures is that it will all end well, but the bumps on the way to the happy ending are inevitable.

So maybe I am writing this more to myself than anyone else, but if it can speak to anyone else that would mean a lot too. Don't allow the things that are not perfect in your life stop you from appreciating the good things that are in your life. It is a very sneaky trick to accept that everything in your life is going to be perfect. It creates false expectations. Life is perfectly imperfect but don't let that stop you from appreciating the beauty of life.

This isn't a sermon. I encourage you to believe in whatever you want to believe in. But I encourage you to seek peace and employ an appreciation for the things that are right in your life. Even if it is not exactly your ideal version of right. It makes weathering the storm much easier. We cannot control everything that happens to us, that is not what separates the winners from the losers. It is about standing firmly enough to get through the storm. The emotions that follow are ok (I must reassure myself of that) but do not allow them to control you and never allow them to keep you from pushing forward. So whatever you are going through the outcome will already end your favor. Just focus on getting through the obstacle.

Quotes for encouragement

Totally just watched "Eat Pray Love" and my favorite quote has to be: "Ruin is a gift on the way to transformation."

Another great movie with a great quote is from "The Day the Earth Stood Still:" "You say we're on the brink of destruction and you're right. But it's only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve. This is our moment."

Written in love

Fever - I am on fire

There is something about shoes that can make me so happy. I want I need and apparently there are a lot of people indulging. What do you think? Do you share my obsession. The nude shoes make my heart skip a beat these may be the ones. Ohhhhh when I grow up.

Seriously my day just got better

Why I love Jones Magazine yet again: Selita Ebanks and Mechad Brooks host Rip the Runway

I love the dresses that Selita has on. Rip the Runway will air March 21on BET. I saw the post on Jones Magazine Web site. Super excited.

Shoe Foreplay and another reason to love Fashion Bomb Daily

Hello again,

So I have another wish list!!! I have wanted these shoes for like ever but I said it a long time ago, when I was just beginning to blog and was extremely horrible at it, but I love buying my shoes on sale. I will look at what is popular and timeless all at the same time and search high and low for something similar. I guess it is the girl in me who loves the drama of searching for the one. :) So I hope to purchase these shoes soon. The first pair is pricey but the other pair compensate. I included a few photos from my trip to the mall.

this is the original Christian Louboutin ($1,165.00) - Dare to dream right.
                                     This is pretty close to the original. It cost 149 euros, which is a lot less.

I normally go for shoes that appear to be inspired by the heavy weights aside from the occasional sale at Aldo but this was too much to resist. I have been obsessed with this shoe. Even if people aren't talking about the shoe as much. I seldom submit to trends when they are in season. I will wear my leopard happily, even if it is summer lol. This site is also my latest find courtesy of Fashion Bomb Daily.  It is called Celeb Boutique and I can honestly say that there are some things that I see myself buying. I have been hearing lately that I cover up too much. I am a true pusher of less is more but I am jonesing for a few more form fitting pieces. Thoughts on the shoes? Should I opt for a more form fitting wardrobe?
The Nude Shoe
Let me start off by saying that I never thought I would give into this but there is something so sexy about a nude shoe. I guess I am getting older. I am still hunting. I was at JCPenny's with Herisa and I saw two pairs of Nude shoes and honestly, there was a pair of slingback nude shoes that almost had me. I was even considering buying them online. But I am hoping when I find the one I will just know. I don't know just call me a romantic. If you are looking for a quick fix for a nude shoe, I spotted a nice uniformed pair at Forever 21. Let the pictures begin :) 
I tried to wear my hair wavy still deciding if I will make it habit.
xoxoxo Have a good day :) 

I also got my eyebrows threaded for the second time. They have someone who does it at the mall. I am a wax kind of girl but I really love the way it looks. I may submit to the threading.
Ok for real this time 
