A day of thrifting


 So I went thrifting for the first time in my hometown. I made some neat purchases they will be making appearances in future posts. I just wanted to share a few pictures with you of Deerfield Thrift. 

I hope you like XOXO

You could be featured in WORTHY Magazine

I said this a few posts ago that the time would come that I would call on you-- fellow bloggers. I really feel that Worthy is a magazine that is contributing to  the mission of redefining the standard of beauty. EVERY woman is beautiful. We have this unique ability to take all the things that make us unique and accentuate them and look amazing while doing it.
 There is no archetype for style or beauty, and that is what Everyday Style is. 
If you would like to be featured in our next issue please send a picture of yourself to my e-mail. julia@worthy-magazine.com


It's the weekend

So happy that it is the weekend. However for me that is when the real work begins. I am already working on the next issue of Worthy Magazine. It is called The Laughter Issue.

I am so happy to have an amazing and supportive staff. So if you have read the magazine, THANK you so much. I am trying to get back into photography so I have to start setting up photo shoots... Wish me luck.


Jonesing Miu Miu

I want! I need! That is all lol

Mission Accomplished!!!! The Fearless Issue Is Here


Please Read. It was a labor of love :)

Best Hippie Day Ever!!! Beach and Starbucks


"I am choosing to be happy no matter what. The beau will be happy to hear that. ;)" 

More Worthy magazine news coming soon!!!! Please tell all your friends and support :)  XOXO

Early Morning Movie Coco Before Chanel

Good Morning  Folks, 
So I had a really early morning. I was working on layout and I needed some inspiration. I was beyond delighted when one of my favorite movies came on. Coco Before Chanel, has to be one of my favorite films of all time. It is in French, a language I love and am getting back into studying and I assure you -eventually you forget that it is non another language. The story is inspiring but I think the craziest thing to see is how ahead of her time Coco truly was. I have been meaning to blog about my love of this movie for a while. If you have the time, be sure to check it out. The film features Audrey Tautou as Gabrielle- who would soon be known to the world as Coco. I have a crush on Audrey, she was in another on of my have French films- Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain. The title was translated  in English to Amelie. 
The film does a brilliant job of showcasing the origins of Coco. This is a film about how Coco came to be. It doesn't chronicles her building her empire. This was a film that showed us a woman who had many dreams  but translated a passion and practiced craft into reality. Honestly though, I think my favorite part of the film is how everyone is still wearing corsets ornately large hats and Gabrielle is sporting loose fitting menswear. My kind of woman. 

Check out both films!!
I hope to talk to you again soon. And I really hope we make our deadline for Worthy.

My Lovely Weekend


This is Jenn (She also blogs and is an editor for an amazing media group). She was one of the main sources of my wonderful much needed "lovely weekend." So I went to school in Delray a looooooooooooooong time ago, and I guess I was too young to appreciate the downtown area. But Jenn was able to change my mind. We checked out a few boutiques and went to two amazing restaurants. The first place was Dada, which is known for their AMAZING mojitos, and then we ventured over to The Office, which was equally amazing. I had fried pickles, for the first time, there. I was pretty much sans a camera. That is terrible, I know, but my camera was not charged and my phone died a few minutes into getting into downtown. Jenn was kind enough to lend me her phone for the rest of the evening. So these pictures are the best I could do. Delray is amazing and I had no idea. 
 I loved everything about Dada the music that was playing and the overgrown plants and the amazing trees. Telling you, I am a confused flower child.
From Dada site
 Blueberry Mojito :)

We ended up in a boutique while waiting for our table at the Office. They had some unique pieces. 

 Art and photography is pretty huge in Delray. We also found ourselves visiting this charming store that published unpublished photos of celebrities like Frank Sinatra, Jimi Hendrix and Elvis. I am telling you, I was in heaven.
I became obsessed with this dress. 
 I really enjoyed my weekend.. I hope you enjoyed yours.
 Finally a post that is not about Worthy 

Worthy News

I am really beginning to feel like all I write about is Worthy, but it has become a late night passion for me. I can only really work on it on the weekend and when I come home from work. But it is scheduled to come out on the 18th of September. It is getting hectic because we are working on multiple issues and filling the available positions at the magazine. But I can honestly say that slowly but surely I am getting together an amazing team, and I have been getting some amazing support. I am grateful for that.

So for Worthy News:
We have started an online store. It is still being updated but there are some cool shirts there for you to check out. We are also including an adinkra line in the store. We hope you can support. Our goal is to be offered in Print.

  • Adinkra are visual symbols, originally created by the Akan of Ghana and the Gyaman of Cote d'Ivoire in West Africa, that represent concepts or aphorisms. Adinkra are used on fabric, walls, in pottery, woodcarvings and logos
I love the symbols. Most of my friends know how much I love them. So I had to find a way to incorporate them into the magazine.

More Worthy Magazine News:
One of Worthy Magazine's trusted hands will be covering Fashion Week for us. I am super excited about it. It really means the world to me. We will be covering a few shows and scoping out what people are wearing so keep an eye out.

More information about the upcoming issue.
The digital magazine will be posted on this site. Please follow us and tell your friends to follow. We will include a link to the site on the magazine site as well. But if you want to follow now, you can.
The first issue is our Fearless Issue. It will also include a peek into our next issue.

If you haven't gotten a chance to check out the site, please do so.
Like us on Facebook 
Follow us on Twitter and Tumblr.

Much Love,

Good times

More posts are coming.....Worthy magazine is scheduled to be released September 18th. I should have a post later today. Hope you guys check it out :)