Witch, why?

Meditation, a plant based diet, crystals and an oracle deck for my meditations all came together to create a pretty legitimate argument for why I might be practicing witchcraft. I can't pretend that I don't see how the inference was made. I should have known the question would eventually be asked outright when I was making a meditation space in my bedroom with my room door wide open. My older brother walked by and just stopped. I pretended to not notice that he was just standing there. I thought it worked because he resumed walking into the next room but he walked by again and casually said "Mom said stop with all the weird stuff." He never even stopped walking.

Shortly after that my little brother looked at me during my morning coffee/ journal time and saw my four card draw, from my meditation and prayer session, beside my journal and asked as his forehead crinkled up in fear, "Are you practicing witchcraft?" Out of the mouths of babes, right? His tone was almost like he expected me to say yes and break into a sacred chant. Not that I don't enjoy chanting a nice mantra. Those are pretty great. But that wasn't the moment to introduce any of the mantras I like.

But I can't help it if I enjoy Deepak Chopra and Louise L. Hay or that I think that Doreen Virtue has amazing advice for what I am going through right now. I make no apologies for pursuing what works for me at the moment. If it is a strange formula, that is fine because it is my formula. My walk with God has never really felt more intimate than it does now. When I want to keep my mind on God's love during a rough day, I look at my rose quartz that is shaped like a heart. And that love suddenly feels real to me and I feel grateful to hold that love in my hands.  The shit really hit the fan when my meditation wand arrived. But I can't pretend that I was worried about how it looked by that point.

 So with each meditation and prayer, I become closer to accepting that everything I aspire to be is already in me and that I don't need to find anything someplace else. It reminds me of my traditional Pentecostal upbringing. I am more than a conqueror. I have just chosen to focus on the positive. I am actively pursuing light and if it looks wrong, then I am ok with that.

At this point, I view everything that I use as visual aids in my faith. It is so easy to imagine the things that we fear but somehow we have learned that it is difficult to imagine the things that we hope for.

I figured it would be helpful to share my little story because it was almost a three year process to get a point where I could go to church and not feel bad for falling  asleep while listening to Louise L. Hay.

 My over-all message is pretty simple.
Your spiritual walk is your own. The people who ask questions or jump to conclusions are not the same ones shouldering your issues with you. 
Do what works for you and be happy when you find a way to make it signature to your needs. Your faith is an intimate relationship and like you it is not supposed to be like anyone else, regardless of what faith you identify with.

Hope it helps.


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