The Ambition Issue!!! Worthy Magazine news


Open publication - Free publishing - More art

I just wanted to post the latest issue of Worthy. I have been kinda busy with work and still trying to launch the magazine. I will have more news for you, later in the week. Until then, please check out the latest issue of Worthy!!! It really is a labor of love. 


Fashion diary on the go

So I have been doing layout like all day and trying to get to the dreaded duty of cleaning house. (Good help is so rare) So I didn't get a chance to do a real fashion diary but here is a pic of how I was walking around today. Hope you like.

Don't forget to read the latest issue which can be found on the Worthy Magazine.  Web site. 

Just a picture


Editor's journal

I figured I should share some of my experiences with trying to start my own magazine. Well it is midnight and I am up working on the magazine. You find out how much you really love something when you have juggle it with reality. In a perfect world, I would be waking up at 7 a.m. working out and working on the magazine until I went to my job at an elementary school.
In reality, I wake up at 10:30 get ready for work, attempt to eat some form of breakfast and head out to work with no time to work on the magazine. So I find myself here at midnight trying to create something that I can be proud of. I figured I should document my experience if not for anyone else at least for me.

So here are the lessons that I have learned now that I am working on the third issue of Worthy Magazine.

1. The power of stress
----I may have mentioned it on the blog before, but stress is some serious stuff. I don't know if I am one of the unfortunate ones. But when I get stressed, I get very sick. I have been having like really bad headaches and colds. Between that and work and still trying to do the magazine, I know that I must really love it. Lesson: Take time out for yourself. Trust that the stressful situation will pass. You will make it.

2. The power of asking
---If it wasn't for my family and friends who don't mind helping out, I have no idea where the magazine would be. Maybe coming out every other month. My beau has been an amazing support system and my mom has been the one to believe in me doing this all along. My bro has written more articles than I can count!!! My friends have contributed and promoted the mag in a way that means more to me than I can say.

3. Just jump in
--The one thing I am finding is that you just have to jump in. Planning is all well and good, and I like to plan out things before I do them. However, Worthy really got started because I just had a message that I thought needed to be shared with others, and I wanted to make sure it happened. I didn't get to do the research that I wanted to do and I certainly didn't get to create a road map for where I wanted it to be. I did make sure no one else had the same name!!! LOL. I think that it is a good thing that I didn't get to create that road map. The magazine manages to keep surprising me. Also I never learned how to do layout. So I had to just feel my way through it and I can honestly say, I think that makes the process that much more fulfilling when I see how things come together.

4. Focus
---Don't get distracted. I get distracted so easily it is sad. The potential negative comments or the lack of support can not deter you.  I have actually been surprised at how well the issues have been doing-even with me having to take down the first issue of laughter to add some things in. However there are still people who may not know how serious I am about the magazine, and you get the occasional viewing of the magazine as if this is a hobby for me when I am not working with third graders, but this magazine is my heart. I hope that people can grasp at and hold on to the message that I am trying to convey.
We are all worthy. Our futures are bright and despite what others might have told us about ourselves, we determine our own fate by choosing to give up or keep pushing.

So I hope that this encourages you some how. Keep pushing. You are worthy!!

Worthy Magazine is here again!!!

It has been out for like a week but I have been running around like a headless chicken so I did not get to mention it. Then I just reloaded a different one because there were some errors. Editor woes I tell you-smh. I think may blog about that. It could be beneficial to someone starting their own publication and feeling their way through the whole thing.

Open publication - Free publishing - More cute shoes

Hope you guys like it!!! I called a few bloggers for this issue!!! Make sure you check this one out!!! And READ Worthy Magazine. 

Fashion Diary: simple and comfy

Shoes: Blake Scott, Gold ring: H&M, Silver Shield Ring: Forever21, Silver  Ring : Aldo. Handbag: H&M Jeans: Forever 21, Necklace: H&M, Sweater: Young Threads.

 I have been so busy with work and the magazine that I have neglected my blog. That just seems crazy to me considering my blog is one of the few things that make me happy. The beau is on the top of the list. I guess I am going through my regrouping stage. I am trying to marry my dreams with reality and I find that when I try to do that, I get distracted too easily. So I am coming back to what matters. I am focusing on my dreams and little less on reality and things that are not going my way. How have you guys been???
I do hope all is well.


Jonesing for YRB Taraji's Beautiful Spread


Starbucks and Toni-ann

 So on Friday before I went to work I met up with one of my favorite people. I went to UF with Toni-ann and she is an AMAZING journalist. Did I mention that she is the managing editor for Worthy magazine? She is just too much and she is destined for great things. I had to snap a few pics of her when we met up at Starbucks. Her bag was to die for and she totally got it out of her mom's closet. I am telling you, every girl should check their mom's closet before they buy anything.  

Hope you like XOXO

Jonesing in The Worst Way..American Apparel Carry All Pouch

I have no other way to explain it. I want it!!! 

I am totally giving in. I need discipline ya'll. Honest opinion, is this a smart purchase? What color should I get?  These pics are from the American Apparel Site. 
Do you feel my pain? XOXO

Remembered Forever

It is a rare achievement to be able to immortalize yourself in your work and that is what Steve Jobs achieved. We often find that the individuals who achieve that start with the most noble intentions. A man who was full of ideas that he just wanted to get out of his head and he gave the world: Pixar, the iPad, iPod and iMac. His advice breathes life into a generation touched by his work.

"Have the courage to follow your gut and intuition. They already know what you want to become.  Everything else is secondary"   - Steve Jobs

My article on Miami Fashion Blog

I recently did an article for Miami Fashion blog. I am freelancing for the amazing site. I hope you can check it out. Thanks
Read it here


A day of thrifting


 So I went thrifting for the first time in my hometown. I made some neat purchases they will be making appearances in future posts. I just wanted to share a few pictures with you of Deerfield Thrift. 

I hope you like XOXO

You could be featured in WORTHY Magazine

I said this a few posts ago that the time would come that I would call on you-- fellow bloggers. I really feel that Worthy is a magazine that is contributing to  the mission of redefining the standard of beauty. EVERY woman is beautiful. We have this unique ability to take all the things that make us unique and accentuate them and look amazing while doing it.
 There is no archetype for style or beauty, and that is what Everyday Style is. 
If you would like to be featured in our next issue please send a picture of yourself to my e-mail.


It's the weekend

So happy that it is the weekend. However for me that is when the real work begins. I am already working on the next issue of Worthy Magazine. It is called The Laughter Issue.

I am so happy to have an amazing and supportive staff. So if you have read the magazine, THANK you so much. I am trying to get back into photography so I have to start setting up photo shoots... Wish me luck.


Jonesing Miu Miu

I want! I need! That is all lol

Mission Accomplished!!!! The Fearless Issue Is Here


Please Read. It was a labor of love :)

Best Hippie Day Ever!!! Beach and Starbucks


"I am choosing to be happy no matter what. The beau will be happy to hear that. ;)" 

More Worthy magazine news coming soon!!!! Please tell all your friends and support :)  XOXO