Fashion Row at Sawgrass Mills Blogger Event

Hello again, I got the amazing opportunity to attend a blogger event hosted by Sawgrass Mills for a new wing that has just opened up. The new wing is called Fashion Row and it houses some of the country's first outlet stores, like Steve Madden. The networking was great. I hope you like a few of the pics that I snapped from the day. 

Talk to you soon!!! XOXO

Halloween All Year


Hello folks, 
I hope all is well. I am starting to think about Halloween. A while back, I guess you could say a year ago, I read this amazing article in Elle Magazine about turning Halloween costumes into the perfect outfit, which would allow you to get more than one wear out of your costume. It was genius. So, I figure this year would be the ideal time to test the theory for myself. The dress in the picture up top I think would be my perfect costume, but would  translate pretty easily into something that I would wear. I think paired with a cool pair of JCs, a messy bun and some serious arm candy, it could be great. What I love even more is the price tag ($13) of this potential new dress. Just take a peek for yourself  Woolworth’s Halloween store

The top 5 horror villains of all time

Freddy Krueger – A Nightmare on Elm Street

Freddy Krueger is arguably the most sinister movie villain of all time. He’s a
hideously disfigured serial murderer who kills children in their dreams
to spite their parents for burning him alive. Famous for his red and black
striped jumper, burnt face and razor gloves, Krueger can scare even the most
ardent horror fan.

Jason Voorhees – Friday the 13th

Bullied as a child, Jason Voorhees tried to prove he could swim to the other
boys at camp but drowned trying. Jason eventually reappears to avenge his
murderous mother’s death years later. Aside from his famous hockey mask,
the scariest aspect to Jason’s character is that he’s seemingly indestructible
and will stop at nothing in his quest for blood.

Jigsaw – Saw

The Saw series is a modern horror phenomenon, mainly because of the
sinister actions of Jigsaw. Intent on righting the wrongs of the public, Jigsaw
locks his victims in increasingly vile ‘games’ that test their moral codes.

Leatherface – The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Leatherface was the original sadistic character that everyone loved to hate.
While working in the family slaughter house and café, it wasn’t exactly the

normal sort of game that he and his brothers were serving up to customers.
Leatherface would use his famous chainsaw to kill his victims before using
leftover flesh to make masks and bones to make furniture. A truly horrible

Chucky – Child’s Play

When serial killer Charles Lee Ray is murdered by detective Norris, Ray
uses his power to transfer his spirit into the first thing he could find – a child’s
toy known as Chucky. The ultra-creepy doll sets about using his new ‘owner’
find the person responsible for his death, with murderous revenge on his

Do you have any plans for Halloween?

Fashion Diary: Casual Chaos and Thoughts

Verdict is in. It's one of those days where you just want to wear what you want and toss some heels on. 

Happy Monday. I hope all is well. Lately I have been rethinking what direction I want to take my blog in. If you haven't gotten a chance to read my other posts, there have been a few new developments in my life. I now work full time at the historic Miami Times paper. I have my own section at the paper called "Style and Substance" and I couldn't be more happy and scared out of my mind at the same time about my new job responsibility. 

Balance: I am working on finding balance. Worthy magazine will always be my passion and a source of confidence for what I do. My origins in blogging, I think, played a crucial role in the development of Worthy. I say that to say that I need to find a balance and lately I have not been able to do that. So that is my new focus. 

Thoughts: Since I have started working in Miami, I have met a lot of amazing bloggers and amazing journalists as well as business professionals. It is easy to lose focus, which I think in so many ways  has happened to me. I am not sure what I want my blog to discuss anymore. So this is my fair warning to those who still swing by the blog. I am finding myself professionally and personally. I can't really give you an outline of what will you find on this blog. I can only post entries and if anyone reads it, then great. But if not, that is fine as well. I am blogging for myself. 
 Much love,

Fashion Diary: Miami Spice Luncheon

Hello again,
I had a pretty good weekend. I was fortunate enough to meet up with an amazing group of Miami bloggers at a Miami Spice luncheon hosted by Ashley Lorraine of "A Sassy Woman," and Shilesa Chandler of "Hey Girl Friend," at City Hall restaurant.  It was an amazing event and I look forward to seeing more of what these two women have in store for the blogging community in Miami. 

If you are not familiar with Miami Spice, it is a large culinary event in Miami. From the months of August and September some of Miami's finest restaurants offer three course meals at a flat rate. Lunches are $19 or $23 dinners are $33 or $39. Read more about the month long showcase of fine cuisine here. 

Here a few pics of the luncheon and of what I wore to the get together. 

With one of the hosts for the luncheon, Ashley Lorraine of "A Sassy Woman."

With the founder of "Hey Girlfriend" I can not wait to interview her for Worthy. 

As my entree I had the meat loaf. It was delicious. My appetizer was seafood gumbo it was pretty tasty. 

I can't get enough of this dress.
 Dress: Nicole Richie for Impulse at Macy's, Shoes: Gifted,  Necklace: Forever 21, Clutch: Gifted, Skull Bracelet: Gifted and Shades: Macy's gift bag. 

Many thanks to my aunt for the AMAZING clutch. 

So happy that Whit could be there with me. Worthy magazine had a nice presence at the blogger  lunheon.

This was Whit's entree.

This was our perfume mash-up. I am team Chanel and Whit is team Gucci. 
I hope that you like!! 
You are worthy XOXO

Stuck in my head

It's been a while. I think all my posts start that way now. 
I am not going to make any more promises about blogging consistently. I am just going to get it done. I don't know about other bloggers but my blog was one of the most helpful tools that I could use to improve with my confidence. Essentially it made me happier.
My mother made this faux leather distressed skirt. I love it. I like things that have character. As you might already know, I have been busy with work. I am so happy to be working in my field-officially. It has only been two months. Pray that they continue to like me and that I make through my probation period. I have one more month. The good news is now I have more responsibilities in PR.  So I am becoming more versatile as we speak. Worthy is evolving. There is a lot more behind the scenes work going on. So I worry that our presence online is being questioned. But if you support Worthy and read my blog, trust me when I say that we really are working. We are just trying to make sure that we keep improving. We only believe in progression. 

Thanks for checking out the post. I hope you like the stuck in my head look. The top is actually from JCpenny, the head band and shades came from Macy's I got them in a gift bag at the Nicole Richie Launch Party. My necklace I get questioned about is from Burlington Coat Factory. The shoes were gifted and BSAMS made the skirt. 
You are worthy XOXO

Nicole Richie's Impulse: Private Preview

Phtoo credit Derek Gil 
So this week Macy's hosted a number of events. I was fortunate to attend two of them to cover for the Miami Times. The first event was a private preview for Nicole Richie's new clothing line. It was awesome to meet so many amazing Miami Bloggers. South Florida really shouldn't be underestimated when it comes to the blogging world. I still meet so many people who say, "You have to move to New York for blogging and blogging events" but this group of women served as proof that style and creativity can be found anywhere.
We were able to put a few items on hold until the launch party the following day. I loved everything. 

Photo credit: Derek Gil
Photo Credit: Derek Gil
Photo credit: Derek Gil 
This dress was everything to me. I loved the color. Rosy from Accidental Sexiness looked AMAZING in this short green number. We all agreed this was like a perfect South Florida holiday dress.

Photo credit: Derek Gil

Photo Credit: Derek Gil
Huge fan of this blogger, Ria Michelle. I interviewed her for an article when I first started working at the Miami Times. She looked amazing in this faux leather jacket from the line. 
Hope you like as much as I did. Make sure you check out the Impulse collection which is available exclusively at Macy's. My next post you will get see my final purchases. 
You are worthy XOXO

Features!!! Yaaayyyyy

So I wanted to check in with a few updates. I am working on Worthy. I am so excited about the health issue. I have been getting a lot of contributions. So I am really excited about this issue it is coming out at the close of the month. I think I am always saying this but the magazine is regrouping. I have heard that the first year is the roughest. So hopefully I have conquered the worst of my obstacles. Anyway back to the reason of this post.

I got featured on two AMAZING blogs. A Sassy Woman blog is an awesome Miami-based blog. I met the woman behind the site at a service event, and I couldn't wait to sit down and talk blogging with her. She will be in an upcoming issue of Worthy. We are working ahead. I will be releasing a schedule of our release dates at a much later date (lol). Back to the topic at hand, you must check out her entire blog. It really was an honor to be featured and it has resulted in meeting some of the other wonderful women that she has featured.

Teresa of Delightfully Darling has been a long time blogging friend of mine. She is truly amazing and I really admire what she has been able to do with her blog. I am not sure if she knows, but she really does inspire me. So being mentioned on her blog let alone featured is a really big deal to me. 
I really hope you check out both blogs and my feature as well. Once again, I really want to thank Teresa and Ashley for the opportunity to be mentioned on their blog.

Talk to you soon. 

It's Coming ......Worthy Magazine next issue

The health issue is coming............................. Hope you check it out.

Fashion Diary Randomness

So my friend Whitney came out to visit me down in Miramar and she brought my other friend Selena with her. We decided to have a semi-girls night in the beginning of the week. It was HILARIOUS. We saw Magic Mike (LOL). I encourage all women to go see it. There was this woman there with her husband it got a little awkward. But either way, we had a great time. We concluded our evening with reciting our favorite lines from  "How High" and "Friday After Next."
My top was a gift from my mom!!! My blazer is a "go to" blazer for me it's from Express, Killah Jeans and JC's. 

Good Times

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim 2013

One of the indescribable perks of my new job was attending Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim 2013. The press treatment was amazing. I was fortunate enough to interview two stand-out designers of the week: Mercedes-Benz presents Vitamin A and Vanessa Simmons. I thought both designers presented some amazing pieces. Vanessa Simmons described her swim line Rose by Vanessa Jean as affordable avant-garde. I absolutely loved it. It was amazing to just see. Vitamin A's fashion show was extremely amazing. It was my first front row experience and I will never forget it. I loved the story of colors and patterns that she told with each swim suit.

I will be honest, while there is an insane amount of respect for Mercedes-Benz, I doubted the possibility of bathing suits being interesting enough to merit an entire week. I was happily proven wrong. The colors, patterns and accessorizing seriously left my mind spinning. I am just happy that I was fortunate enough to witness it.

My pics are not that great- but hopefully you get the idea- it was an amazing experience.
Much Love,