Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim 2013


One of the indescribable perks of my new job was attending Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim 2013. The press treatment was amazing. I was fortunate enough to interview two stand-out designers of the week: Mercedes-Benz presents Vitamin A and Vanessa Simmons. I thought both designers presented some amazing pieces. Vanessa Simmons described her swim line Rose by Vanessa Jean as affordable avant-garde. I absolutely loved it. It was amazing to just see. Vitamin A's fashion show was extremely amazing. It was my first front row experience and I will never forget it. I loved the story of colors and patterns that she told with each swim suit.

I will be honest, while there is an insane amount of respect for Mercedes-Benz, I doubted the possibility of bathing suits being interesting enough to merit an entire week. I was happily proven wrong. The colors, patterns and accessorizing seriously left my mind spinning. I am just happy that I was fortunate enough to witness it.

My pics are not that great- but hopefully you get the idea- it was an amazing experience.
Much Love,


Stephanie CHANEL said...

Loveeeeee, super jealous! Great post ;]

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