Currently Obsessed

So during my free time. When I am not stressing out about the magazine and everything else in my life, I stalk- I mean- visit Solestruck. This was the shoe (Dolce Vita) that caught my adoration this afternoon as I took a break from layout and everything else. I LOVE it!!! I don't know if it is my eyes going bad or what but the shoe looks purple to me but it is blue shade.

I love Jimi!!!


This is me attempting to catch up on my blogging. I have this thing for Jimi Hendrix. So when I was checking out one of my fave blogs -The Audacity of Color- (sans my coffee), I came across this post and it kinda made my morning. This is a mosaic from UK artist Ed Chapman. I must say it is amazing. It's made of guitar picks. Do you like it? I am seriously trying to to figure out if I should get coffee before work. I had a cup last night -eeeeeeeeeee- decisions.

Quick Update- Worthy will be out in February and the theme is Beauty!!! I hope you are getting excited.

Chanel Iman on the cover of L'Officiel February 2012

Adorned in Dolce and Gabbana  Spring 2012 collection I really love the cover!!!

Scuba Dress

Saw this over at Fashion Bomb Daily
So I am browsing around on the Internet looking for some new stuff to cover in Worthy and I came across this number over at NastyGal and I thought it looked familiar. Granted it is not the same dress, I do think it comes pretty close. So what do you say? Would you rock this? I am on the fence. I think I am a little to survey for it.

Hope you like!!!

Happy New Year Fashion Diary

 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! I hate how I haven't been blogging!!  2011 has been a crazy year!! I kinda went through a lot. Hopefully the trials of last year will be stepping stones toward an amazing 2012... Like most people I know, I had to go watch night service. So I snapped a few pics of what I wore. I love this dress from H&M (Christmas gift from mi mommy) and the feather earrings that I also got for christmas they make me smile!!

Back to my rant about not blogging. I will get back to into it this year!!! I have to. It's just been so easy to freak out about everything else instead of doing the things that I enjoy. So that is what 2012 is suppose to be about (for me) doing the things that I enjoy. What are your resolutions?

Happy New Year XOXO