Features!!! Yaaayyyyy

So I wanted to check in with a few updates. I am working on Worthy. I am so excited about the health issue. I have been getting a lot of contributions. So I am really excited about this issue it is coming out at the close of the month. I think I am always saying this but the magazine is regrouping. I have heard that the first year is the roughest. So hopefully I have conquered the worst of my obstacles. Anyway back to the reason of this post.

I got featured on two AMAZING blogs. A Sassy Woman blog is an awesome Miami-based blog. I met the woman behind the site at a service event, and I couldn't wait to sit down and talk blogging with her. She will be in an upcoming issue of Worthy. We are working ahead. I will be releasing a schedule of our release dates at a much later date (lol). Back to the topic at hand, you must check out her entire blog. It really was an honor to be featured and it has resulted in meeting some of the other wonderful women that she has featured.

Teresa of Delightfully Darling has been a long time blogging friend of mine. She is truly amazing and I really admire what she has been able to do with her blog. I am not sure if she knows, but she really does inspire me. So being mentioned on her blog let alone featured is a really big deal to me. 
I really hope you check out both blogs and my feature as well. Once again, I really want to thank Teresa and Ashley for the opportunity to be mentioned on their blog.

Talk to you soon. 

It's Coming ......Worthy Magazine next issue

The health issue is coming............................. Hope you check it out.

Fashion Diary Randomness

So my friend Whitney came out to visit me down in Miramar and she brought my other friend Selena with her. We decided to have a semi-girls night in the beginning of the week. It was HILARIOUS. We saw Magic Mike (LOL). I encourage all women to go see it. There was this woman there with her husband it got a little awkward. But either way, we had a great time. We concluded our evening with reciting our favorite lines from  "How High" and "Friday After Next."
My top was a gift from my mom!!! My blazer is a "go to" blazer for me it's from Express, Killah Jeans and JC's. 

Good Times

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim 2013

One of the indescribable perks of my new job was attending Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim 2013. The press treatment was amazing. I was fortunate enough to interview two stand-out designers of the week: Mercedes-Benz presents Vitamin A and Vanessa Simmons. I thought both designers presented some amazing pieces. Vanessa Simmons described her swim line Rose by Vanessa Jean as affordable avant-garde. I absolutely loved it. It was amazing to just see. Vitamin A's fashion show was extremely amazing. It was my first front row experience and I will never forget it. I loved the story of colors and patterns that she told with each swim suit.

I will be honest, while there is an insane amount of respect for Mercedes-Benz, I doubted the possibility of bathing suits being interesting enough to merit an entire week. I was happily proven wrong. The colors, patterns and accessorizing seriously left my mind spinning. I am just happy that I was fortunate enough to witness it.

My pics are not that great- but hopefully you get the idea- it was an amazing experience.
Much Love,

Crazy print and comfort

It's been a long time since I blogged. I started my new job at the Miami Times and I am trying to adjust to a full time schedule and just coming home and putting in work for Worthy Magazine. I am learning that when you really care about something, you are willing to get absolutely no sleep. This over-all aesthetic is kind of becoming my "go to" look. Give me some dark leggings my black JC's and an oversized dress. The dress is home made by my mommy. I think she may be getting tired of my raiding her closet. She replenished my entire wardrobe so I will have tons to blog about. I am seeking new outlets to not feel overwhelmed and a little retail therapy of my own is in the works. I will most def showcase my new purchases.
My instagram will keep you updated on my ventures in food and fashion so you should follow. 
Much love, 
Talk to you soon