The latest issue of Worthy Magazine


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My favorite place

 I was fortunate enough last week to have a tour of the undergoing renovations of Pompano Beach. The over-all sentiments about the flawless beach and coming attractions which includes one of my favorite childhood restaurants, performing arts center and art gallery is that I will now have a new favorite place to go. Not to mention I won a free one night stay at the Marriott, which has this amazing view of the beach.
 There is something so calming and relaxing about the beach. I have to admit that the tour reaffirmed my love for the most relaxing place I can always go to. Make sure you take a moment to appreciate your awesome South Florida backyard. More information about the new city renovations will be spotlighted on Worthy Magazine.

Words of advice

Pompano Beach 

Taking a moment to stop and think can be one of the most empowering experiences a person can ask for. My most rent experience allowed me to see the power of positive thinking and the strength of negativity. We often feel like the world is against us, that people are conditioned to hurt us and that dreams only come to fruition when we close our eyes. But I am realizing the more I build my company and the more I work towards being the woman I would like to be that everything is a choice.

The only way we truly fail is if we choose to give up.

The only way we can truly be hurt (emotionally) is if we accept that we are hurt. We can choose how much power a person or situation has over us. The first emotional response is pure instinct and natural but the choice to wallow in it is our choice. IT'S NOT EASY. But we can choose to act in our best interest.

We can choose to build up our dreams or fight to just exist.

My advice-  Find something even if it is one thing in your life to be grateful for and give thanks for it. Figure out how to use it to get closer to what you want. Fight to believe in yourself because you can achieve so much more by being kind to yourself and believing in yourself than you can by doubting yourself. It's so much easier to see all the things that are going wrong in your life than it is to be positive but the rewards are so much better if you persist in positivity.  This is my new goal.

Fashion Diary: Currently seeking inspiration


“Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board. For some they come in with the tide. For others they sail forever on the same horizon, never out of sight, never landing until the Watcher turns his eyes away in resignation, his dreams mocked to death by Time. That is the life of men. Now, women forget all those things they don't want to remember, and remember everything they don't want to forget. The dream is the truth. Then they act and do things accordingly.” - Zora Neale Hurston

 I feel like Zora set a high standard for women in her novel THEIR EYES WERE WATCHING GOD. But that is one of my favorite quotes in her book. It's never easy to see our dreams as the truth but I think the obstacles that we endure make us appreciate our dreams even more when we achieve them.

I am currently in a place where I am seeking inspiration and daring to be bold enough to believe in my own dreams. It can be frustrating sometimes because you often are the only one who understands your ultimate goal. But that is all that is required. I am learning that we don't have a responsibility to make people understand our vision. We have a responsibility to manifest our visions.

Style Note: Custom tunic polka dot dress courtesy of BSAMS, cowgirl boots gifted from my aunty. Handbag from Just Fab. Shades and necklace from Forever 21. + Energy bracelet by Alex and Ani gifted. Shield ring and skull band Fashion Footwear

I am a work in progress. What are you working on?

Editor's Journal Mercedes-Benz Swim Week


Hello Folks, 
So I have been super busy with the next issue of Worthy and MBFW Miami Swim was added to the list. I had to make the most of the experience but over-all the week had its highs and lows. I wanted to share a few pics with you guys of my week so far. Pictures from the actual show are posted on Worthy Magazine. These pictures are from show rooms that I checked out at The Standard to fashion shows at The Raleigh

Amazing show room for Melissa at The Standard. Do you remember the jelly Melissa's in high school? I looooooved everything here. 

I love how Melissa manages to deliver comfortable and manageable pieces. These purses were made out of a material that you can wash and toss into the dryer.

It was only natural that during Swim Week, I ran into some gorgeous bloggers.  Melanie Patterson of Radical Darling, Maika of Glam Life Blog, Niani of Fierce Fantasy and my partner in fashion crime - Charnele of Cha Cha The Fashion Genius. 

Beautiful Curators of Bikini Shell 

Lovely ladies of Hey Hey Gorgeous Jesse Lagoy and Katie Flanagan 

The awesome lady behind one of my favorite blogs Annie Vazquez of The Fashion Poet. I was obsessed with her hat.
This gave me a southern comfort vibe

L*Space show.
All fashion show pictures will be available on Worthy Magazine
Hope you like!

Currently Reading


In preparation for the next issue of Worthy Magazine, I like to check out other magazines. It kind of provides me with inspiration. So this is what I am currently reading right now in addition to my assigned reading from my volunteer creative director, Turning Pages. It is so not easy to not get overwhelmed. At moments like this all you can do is pray. I just really want the next issue of Worthy to be great.

Wish me luck and send out your prayers.


Noteworthy Moments


This past weekend was interesting. It was actually a little rocky trying to find a balance between work and relaxing. But I tried my best when I met with my high school and college bestie Michealange (I call her MD she is a psychiatrist) I got a new camera but since I am trying to figure out how to edit my pictures nothing came out they way I wanted. I am still trying to figure out how access the edited photos :( Sooooooo sad.

Anyway MD and I went on a field trip to Mizner Park (My go-to place for relaxation). We stopped in a few boutiques and then went on to my favorite place The Cheese Course. MD got the caprese salad and I got a cheese course with two types of cheese and a fig spread (YUM). It made me happy. 

Well I just wanted to share one of my highlights with you. 
Hope you like 

Ju'lia Catherine Favorites: Amanda Valdes

Hello again,
As per usual, I am a wreck. But now I can say that I am a wreck who is trying to get their act together. It is so common when you are trying to keep afloat to forget to appreciate the things that make life interesting. So part of my process of getting back to the things that are important to me, is making sure that I take the time to appreciate things. So I wanted to share with you guys a new love of mine. I have been stalking her work for a while and when I saw that she posted a link to her posters and art, I nearly jumped out of my computer chair.

The name is Amanda Valdes and if I had to describe the aesthetic of her work, I would say it is a happy hybrid of Tim Burton and quirky fashion. There is just something about it that makes me happy. I LOOOOOOOOVE Tim Burton BTW. Take a look and you be the judge. Let me know if you love it as much as I do.

If you see anything you like, the paintings and posters and even electronic accessories can be purchased here.

Forever 21 Media Preview

I had the privilege of having a sneak peek of the newly renovated Forever 21 at Sawgrass Mills in Sunrise, Florida before its grand re-opening. All I can say is, I am in love. As someone who has multiple definitions for my style, being able to change up my look with it still being friendly to my pocketbook is a wonderful dream and with Forever 21 my dreams are easily turned into a reality. The 60,000 square feet store offers an official shoe section, a For Love section and countless themed rooms that are sure to strike the fancy of any fashion lover. It was hard for me to choose a favorite personally. The summer room was an easy favorite because it featured one of my favorite artists- Frida Kahlo. My goal is to get every shirt that features her. It's crazy but I don't think enough people know about her. The rap city room transported me to the 90's. It was like being back in a time when rappers were the best graphics for a t-shirt and served as a visual testament to your rap knowledge. However, Forever 21 managed to clean up the delivery. Low cut muscle loose fitting muscle tees featured images of Tupac and messages like "Perfection is overrated." I loved it all especially the prices. I couldn't help but snag a Frida Kahlo shirt and awesome statement necklace on my way out. It was all under 25 bucks! Yayyyyy me!!

Here are a few pics!! I hope you like.

Guys will be happy to see that there is even a section for them. 

Fashion Blogger Partner In Crime, Cha Cha The Fashion Genius  

Loved her polished look.  "A Spoonful of Style" blogger, Jade just started her blog. I love it. 

I was obsessed with her look! Kelly Saks of Kelly's Kloset. 
Read More On Worthy Magazine
Talk to you soon,