It is coming........ New Moon
I am happy once again. I get to go to my happy place where vampires are nice and just want to cuddle and watch you sleep at night. And really hot guys get significantly hotter right before your eyes. Time to go to a place where the impossible is possible and love takes you on wild adventure literally in New Moon fans are going to go on mini tour of the world all the way to Rome actually. To say that I am excited would be putting lightly. I am dragging who ever I know out with me. I wonder if everyone is as excited as me? Rhetorical questions folks everyone is as excited as me. If you are not excited and we are friends then I say this in the kindest way possible; you have the mind of a “gerbil” <---(you must purse the lips as you say this) and I feel sorry for you. I feel sorry that you can not fathom the awesomeness of me first and then this wonderful movie. I hope I get to see people there. Part of me wishes this was like Harry Potter and I could see people dress up like their favorite character. Who knows maybe I will get lucky and someone will show up with a terrible mock wig like the one Bella wears. Or if I am really lucky it will be really cold and some tanned guys will show up with no shirts on. I am sorry, in terms of wardrobe that is all that stood out to me. But I can’t wait. I would go to the midnight showing but it is sold out, and I am sad. But I think it is for the best. I fear only the kiddies are out to see the film and being that my crush is Jacob (yeah I said it team Jacob) I feel bad looking at his young behind to begin with. Essentially it is wrong to look at any of the cast they are playing high schoolers but it isn’t a crime to look. That sounded sooooooooooo reminiscent of Lolita but I promise I don’t like the kiddies like that. New Moon be there or else you will be a loser that doesn’t read.
If diamonds are a girl’s best friend then shoes must be the fairy godmother that makes everything seem magical. There are a few wonderful shoes that I had to spotlight. I first heard about this shoe designer through clutch online magazine and I fell in love. While I may end up giving in and buying a pair. My guiltiest pleasure is seeing what type of shoes are in style and buying them for much less, (more about that coming soon).
The verdict is in for the must have shoes for the fall. I want, I need these shoes or something similar. The shoes are from the the enchanting Nicholas Kirkwood
Michelle Obama has been compared to Jacqueline Kennedy for a while now. Vanity Fair has featured a show off between the two fashion icons. However, I must admit that it is really hard for me to choose between the two. I think that it all boils down to your preference. Both women have a fashion sense that is timeless. However, I think that Jacqueline was a head of her time. With that said I am so team Michelle that it could be a problem. I love the strength that her clothing exudes. She has the right to bear arms she embraces diversity, she is not afraid of color and most importantly she is not label driven. She wears clothing that is accessible to people. She has gotten some flack about wearing unknown designers but I love it. The person makes the clothing not the other way around. So what is in a name?
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