Great Eats in SOFLO....

 So there is this restaurant (J. Alexanders) that I basically go to once a week with my mom. We have this problem. We find good eats, and we must have it once a week.  So this week, I have been like really sick. So more than likely I won't be going this week. But I wanted to share a few pictures from the last time that I was there. I had mac and cheese with fish tacos, which had spicy mayo and avocado. I live for avocado.
 Even the menus are cute......

 Calamari makes things better.
Hope you like :)


Marcela Gmd said...

Wow, qué rico!!
Besos, desde España, Marcela

lil miss Sauniya' said...

hmm now am straving :P
Get better real soon :)

BEAUTYEDITER.COM – Beauty Blog said...

this post made me hungry <3

TartanBoots said...

Your making my hungry! Please stop...

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