Cool Friends: Lunch with David

I kind of always brag about my friends on my blog and with good reason, they are amazing. A while back I did a Fashion Exchange post with David and I spoke about how fabulous he is and I asked him a few questions about his style.  When we met up over the weekend, it was pretty much the same thing. I wanted to pick his brain. In our exchange we unearthed some interesting facts about our past and our future. Like I said in the last post, I did about David, I am very fortunate to still be friends with most of the people I knew in high school who are pursuing their passion. It inspires me to keep going with my dream despite it seeming like it so much bigger than me.

If you are new to the blog, David Michael is a phenomenal and hardworking celebrity stylist based in Atlanta, Georgia. He has styled some of the best and he is constantly thriving and reaching for more. It shocked me to sit down with someone who has met some of his favorite style muses and managed to keep his cool and remain professional. "I have to keep my composure. I talk to them like they are normal people," he admitted to me.

Before I knew it, we were reminiscing about high school, a place that we never thought you could pay us to discuss. We realized that things that made us stand out for better or worse in high school are now the intricate proponents that breathe life into our dreams today.

David was always a walking fashion dictionary penning one-of-a -kind sketches in his ornate sketch pad (he still carries a notebook of notes and sketches). I was always this spacey CBA Magnet hippie-nerd with a simplistic but equally weird out look on fashion.

"Ju'lia, the weather could change by one degree and you would throw some fur on," he laughed when discussing my high school style.

It was great to see the larger-than-life David Michael again and I loved what he had on. 
If you take nothing from this post, remember that what makes you weird and not a part of "the in-crowd" is generally the best thing about you and possibly your bread and butter.

Hope you like XOXO!! 

Instagram Land!!

This site is really an obsession of mine. My name on instagram in honor of my magazine which controls most of my life is iamworthy_jc. Make sure you check it out. I will be posting about the blog and the magazine on my instagram as well. Worthy Magazine will also be going behind the scenes of a photoshoot with friend to the magazine and style director, David Michael so the pictures on my Instagram  should be getting more interesting.

Talk to you soon!!!


Fashion Diary: Fringe and Tassels

Give me a little rock and a lot of fringe and tassels. 
Clutch: Steve Madden, Shades: Target. Bracelets: Gifted. Fringed Cardigan: Custom Made. Jeans Paris Blues. Shoes: Gifted. Necklace: Gifted
Hope you like!!! More posts coming soon. 

Fashion Diary Never Posted


I never posted these but this was a fun day with my friend Whitney!!! Pretty much everything I have on is gifted except the accessories. The shades, silver men's ring and multi-colored bracelets came from aldo. My gold necklace is H&M. Shoes came from my aunty!! Shirt came from my mommy!!

It's an oldie but I hope you like!! XOXO

Vibing: Florence and The Machine

Ok, so this may be a random post but I am obsessed with this song. The crazy thing is I would've never heard of the song if my friend Herisa hadn't posted it on my Facebook wall. So many thanks to the boss. I have been playing this song all day. It is only intensifying my desire to go see Snow White and The Huntsman. I didn't make it out to see the Avengers (yet) but I am pretty serious about this film. If you play the song make sure you stop the music player on my blog off to the right. Happy listening.

Hope you like XOXO

What's New With You?

So as evident on my blog, remaining encouraged to blog has been difficult. Before my tragic decline, it could be argued that I was doing well. My google followers were increasing. I was getting comments on most of my posts. But somewhere along the way blogging began to feel like work. And once you incorporate starting a magazine and my part-time job, it became easy to become critical of everything that I blogged about. So I am taking my own advice, I am going back to the basics. I am going to keep it simple. My blog started as just a form of self-expression and that is what I will be doing from here on out. I hope you guys still stay with me and I hope it interests you. I will maintain the fashion diaries, but I worry that my style has become even weirder and more hippie like than it was before. But I am ok with that. I am and will always be the confused flower child. I just think that level of quirkiness has lifted substantially.  I can't wait to share and I really hope you like it.

Updates: Please note the :/ face is my expression for who would've thought.
--There is no longer a beau.......... it's been that way for months just didn't get to work that into a post.

--I am actually working out........ slowly and I do mean slowly working back to running.

--I am slightly obsessed with Instagram

-- I like sushi now :/

-- I am thinking about going to grad school :/ I have this ongoing fascination with being called Dr. Ju'lia.

--I am back to writing my novel and editing what I have so far. :/


--I have not been cooking

--I have not been actively working on my self-esteem (excluding last night's decision to actively work towards seeing myself in a positive light)

--I haven't been able to practice music the way I wanted to

-- And I am not settled into my home at all..... I kinda don't want to unpack. Plus I spend so much time at my grandmother's house. But I guess I am going to have to.

--I was getting organized, in general, but that just stopped.

I will do a separate post on Worthy magazine that's a totally different can of worms. But I do have updates. 

This was an offensively long post.

So this is a sincere question, what's new with you?  


Jessica Alba For Marie Claire

Loving this image of Jessica Alba for the June issue of Marie Claire.

Solestruck .......... My Obsession

Open publication - Free publishing - More fashion

Starting off slow with the blogging. I am obsessed with the latest lookbook from Solestruck. Thoughts?

The let me make you dizzy post is coming. I have just been swamped with work. 

Fashion Diary Preview: Let Me Make You Dizzy

Fashion Diary post is coming soon................. I am wearing mixed patterns. I can't help that I am weird. 

Hope you like

Photo Shoot: I am a Heavenly Brat

Not too long ago I had the privilege of being apart of a photo shoot for an emerging clothing line based in South Florida called Heavenly Brat . It was a pretty cool experience. To be completely honest I was surprised when I was asked to be apart of it. I don't think that I am very photogenic (weird I know, but I really just have an obsession with fashion). One thing is certain, I have to learn how to master the art of looking dead into the camera and taking a nice picture. All of my pictures on the blog (the majority anyway) seem to show me not looking at the camera. So that is a new goal for me. I need to learn how to be confident. I am not sure if a 24-year-old woman can learn how to become confident after not being confident for so long. But I guess it is never too late? Ugh, I am such an old soul.

The photo shoot was to promote a line of T-shirts that are now out and available for purchase. Heavenly Brat is the brain child of one my close and talented friends and fellow fashion enthusiast, Ciera Hill, she spawned her love for fashion into a clothing line that is true reflection of what I love the most about the fashion world: constant evolution. Every look that I have seen her create is unique. To learn more about the inspiring story behind the Heavenly Brat line, take a look at the official Web site
Hope you like!!! 