Fashion Diary.....I Am A Big Kid Now... Embellished Shirt

So today was a really bad day. I am not feeling well at all. I had a doctors appointment today. So I had to get up, and put something on. I don't know if was all the medicine, but I became nostalgic for my younger days and this shirt reminded me of them. I love the whimsy of this shirt, which I found in my mother's closet. I think she made it. It is a simple thin shirt with embellishments that I can't get enough of.  Thin shirts make me so happy. They feel amazing against my skin.  The jeans are True Religion. Cardigan, which is really thin, came from Sears. Shoes are Bamboo. Ring is Forever 21. Bracelets were all gifts from my mom.  I love the lady in the red dress on my shirt. I am weird, folks. Please don't judge me.


Unknown said...

I love it, so simple and casual yet chic. You look great!

xo Teresa

Ju'lia said...

Thank you so much :)

Sauniya said...

Aww get well soon :)
still manage to look good even though you not feeling very well :P :)
And thank you so much for your comment by the way, it means a lot :)

Mbabazi said...

nice look for the docs love the new blog look. very much

Tammy said...

Get well soon.. This is a very cute & chic look


Anonymous said...

You're ill? So sorry. Lovely girly shirt

Adiya (formerly the corner shop)

YaYa said...

shoes look just like my new guess pair... lovely

Baby Budget Blog said...

Love the addition of the stripes!! and the nude shoes too!

Mia M. said...

cute ring!!!


Ju'lia said...

Thank you guys so much :)

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