
So I was browsing the web checking out the blogs, to see what is going on in the world. I love to showcase Black designers. Needless to say, I was super happy when I found this post on Coco and Creme. It features some Black designers that you may or may not know. I must say, I am digging Coco and Breezy!! Here are a few designers that I am digging.
Click on the underlined names to go to the sites, (my links work now).

Gavin Douglass, the website for Gavin is still being updated but I found a beautiful slide show on Vogue!!! The pictures at the beginning of the post are courtesy of the BET website.

Tracy Reese, she is also featured on Coco and Creme.
The picture off to the side is from her collection also featured on the BET Web site.
Coco and Breezy, also on Coco and Creme. They are 19- year-old twins.
These are just a few people that I like. Posts to come? I have some interviews lined up with people that I think are interesting. Some are launching their own line. Another just has interesting opinion on fashion when it comes to guys. Stay posted more to come on New Beginnings too!!!
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