Vogue Italia Plus Size Issue....Why I LOVE Vogue Italia and Fashion Bomb...


I am so excited about this. I think that it is beautiful. I ran across this while doing my daily reading. I am sicker than sick ya'll. I wanted to do a Fashion Diary this week. IDK if that will be happening. But back to the matter at hand. I need a job with Vogue Italia. They are light years ahead. They won my heart with the all black issue. This issue however, has earned my devotion. I will be at the nearest Barnes and Noble going for broke with just magazine purchases. I-D costs like $11, Vogue Italia find out when I get there and I need a little Jones magazine in my life. I hope you guys like just as much as me. So what say you is this a step in the right direction? Do you like it as much as me? 



Marcela Gmd said...

Fantásticas fotos blanco-negro de mujeres con curvas reales!!
Besos, desde España, Marcela

Virtuousbeauty said...

I love it!!! The ladies all look AMAZING!

Unknown said...

I heard about this but didnt get to see the pictures! Thanks for sharing, I think its awesome that they are showing all different types of women... no matter what size or color we are, as women we are all beautiful!

I am sick too :( I hope you get better soon love! xoxo

xo Teresa
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Dee O. said...

Vogue Italia is nothing short of AMAZING!!! I love that they are constantly showcasing all different forms of beauty, it's incredibly inspirational!


simplychic said...

i'm a fan too! they do a great job at appreciating everyone!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!! but these girls are not fat nau?!!! :s


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