My Life at Whole Foods

Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE to cook! As part of my new Get It Right and Get It Tight plan, I've been exploring healthier food choices and better meal options. I used to have the preconceived notion that eating right was going to cost me so much more than my usual grocery store trips but of course I was wrong! I spent about $72 bucks on my last trip to Whole Foods Market. I bought cage-free eggs, grass fed organic beef, free range chicken breast, tons of organic fruits and veggies, Naked Juice protein and fruit smoothies, and some other random things. I think my most impressive purchase was fresh cut locally-made spinach and whole wheat pasta for about $1.50 a serving! Check back soon for an original recipe.


A few of my healthy goodies from my Whole Foods trip!


Kenzie Leigh said...

i love whole foods and trader joes!!the spinach and whole wheat pasta sounds yummy!

Elle JEANius said...

Very yummy!

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