Jewel's Fab Secret Society Dinner


In the midst of late night planning sessions and early morning panic sessions, I am fortunate every once in a blue moon to take a break. This time, it was with the amazing Jewel Figueras at one of her secret society dinners. Her list of guests was amazing to say the very least.

It was an inspiring night of fine dining and networking. We all met at Roho Kitchen where Chef Jorge prepared a three course meal that was life changing- like literally I am not the same person that I use to be and we discussed everything from Scandal to the Miami social scene.

Upon walking into the culinary gem (Roho Kitchen), dinner guests were greeted with a signature cocktail for the evening, which was cleverly named- "The Jewel." While the final preparations for the three course meal were carried out, we snacked on tasty hor d'oeuvres paired with "The Jewel" for those who drink and soda for those who don't drink. The delicious bites consisted of:
1. Smoked salmon mousse with a cucumber radish salad on crostini
2. Vegetable spring roll with sweet chill sauce

Our three-course-meal consisted of: 
1. A salad of poached asparagus, prosciutto, brioche, tomato confit with truffle lemon viniagrette.
2. Chicken florentine- cutlet stuffed with spinach, provolone, carmelized onions and lemon caper sauce with warm polenta cakes, roasted peppers, and herbs
3. Lastly, dessert was a chocolate coffee cake, Guinness caramel sauce, vanilla bean ice cream, and raspberries 

It was the break that I needed. It is always a wonderful experience to hang out with Jewel and her friends.


Philanthropy and fashion will collide at the 2ND ANNUAL DRESS TO IMPRESS FOR LLS RUNWAY FASHION SHOW at SoLita restaurant in Delray Beach.

The show will feature over 40 male and female models strutting down a 100 seat extended runway showing off the most chic and sultry fashions of the summer season from the hottest boutiques from Miami to Palm Beach.  Proceeds from VIP Seating, which includes a fabulous swag bag, will help Victor Concepcion, LLS Man of the Year Candidate, raise funds for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of South Florida.  The event will include a trunk show provided by each vendor with a portion of proceeds going to LLS as well.  There will be an extravagant live and silent auction and 50/50 raffle in addition to a bachelorette/bachelor model auction where the models will be going on a date with the highest bidder.

Master of Ceremonies will be ESPN Radio’s own Josh Cohen and DJ Adam Lipson will be spinning tunes throughout the night.

Event sponsors include Chic Devotion, Zamora Swimwear, Edmund James Salon, Guy La Ferrera, Live In, and Roxy LuLu.

I hope to see you there. 


Journalism Diary Looking Back

It's so interesting how you always hear people say don't look back at the past. I know that the saying is geared more towards warning us not to live in the past but sometimes I think reflecting on the past can give us hope for the future. I remember graduating from UF uncertain but hoping to secure a job in journalism. I remember breaking down the closer I got graduation as reality sunk in that there was no way to be 100 percent prepared for the uncertainties of the future. I remember just being grateful to secure any kind of a job and starting Worthy Magazine out of a sheer need to cling to everything that I thought I learned at UF, and a genuine belief that there was a place for a multicultural publication giving a voice to misunderstood generation. To say that I was hopeful about my future in journalism would be giving me too much credit. Never the less, I worked at a local elementary school part time and came home and tried my best to pour myself into Worthy. It slowly evolved into developing PR connects around the world and acquiring contributors from around the world as well. So when I think about where I was just two years ago, I can say that I feel encouraged about my future and hopeful that things will get better for me. 

One of the toughest pills to swallow about the real world is that it is very rare to see someone EXACTLY where they want to be in life. I can honestly say that I am no exception. I am no where near where I thought I would be or where I hoped I would be. But never the less, I am grateful for where I am because it's better than where I use to be. So here is my look back on this past year. I hope you enjoy it. I only posted a few pictures there were a lot of memorable moments (H&M opening which I covered for both Worthy Magazine and The Miami Times- UNFORGETTABLE). However, I just tried to showcase a few highlights. 

Perry Ellis Fashion Show that I got to cover at the last minute. I ended up giving this story to my old section at The Miami Times

Vanity Fair Party during Art Basel that I attended courtesy of my friend Johanne Cadet.

Amazing Charity Event at The Viceroy Hotel during Art Basel. I also included this in my old section at The Miami Times.

Fashion Night Out. I interviewed Julissa Bermudez for The Miami Times and Worthy Magazine.

Absolut event for Solange Knowles. I covered this for Worthy Magazine. 

Absolut event 

Another pic from Absolut event - all pics for the absolut event were sent over from World Red Eye
This was one of the perks of my old job at the Miami Times. I got to meet Alfre Woodard. She is hilarious on True Blood.
The best perk was attending Mercedes- Benz Fashion Week. I actually interviewed Vanessa Simmons spoke with the amazing Angela and I interviewed the featured designer for the week, Vitamin- A.
I actually got to sit front row. It was amazing!!! 
Being featured in Gold Coast Magazine as a 2013 Best Catch was amazing!!! It was so cool to get publicity for Worthy Magazine Media LLC. Brian Atwood Shoes (Hellooooooooo)

I was beyond honored to interview Ted Gibson during his makeover giveaway for Worthy Magazine.

 I still have a long way to go. But the moral of the story is that this time last year I would have never thought that I would have met the people that I have met or seen the places I have seen. So it's with that knowledge that I move towards the future trusting that things will only get better. The scary thing is that out of all the routes I thought I would take in life, starting my own company right out of college would not have been my immediate thought. I did hope for it in the future but I never even dreamed of jumping head first into my dreams. But here I am. Going after my dreams doesn't allow me to be the shy often insecure person I naturally am. So I guess you could say there was no other route for me to take. This is what needed to happen for me to change.

So while our current situation may not make sense right now, I can honestly say looking back has shown me there was a purpose for the darkness and disappointments that forced me to believe in myself and dare to dream.

XOXO - be encouraged. 

Fashion Diary Jonesing To Be A Wildsoul


Hello folks,
I hope all is well. I am still working on the upcoming issue of Worthy Magazine. I am editing articles and pictures and doing layout. But it is all done in love. Occasionally a break is required. A part from my 90-day-challenge, I find that coveting new items serves as a wonderful source of inspiration and relaxation. The latest item on my list comes from the one and only Young Republic, which has introduced a line of sunglasses which merges style and philanthropy. The line is called Wildsoul and they are the perfect treat for the eyes. 
Black Rhino was my favorite. Maybe I will give in and purchase them. I am searching for the perfect pair of shades for Mercedes- Benz Swim Week. 

Wild Soul was created on the premise that there are causes greater than our own that can and must be supported. We are dedicated to giving supporters of Wild Soul a platform to help the causes that are close to their heart.”
Wild Soul’s range of sunglasses which are all named after untamed animals (the Lion, the Owl, the Elephant, and the Rhino) help customers “be wild” while helping them “fulfil their soul”, giving a portion of each sale to a charity of the customer’s choice. “We decided the best way to succeed was to allow the customer to choose where their money will go.”
Each pair of sunglasses are meticulously crafted after the intricate features of the animal whose name they carry and are available in several rich and earthy colors using quality materials.

What do you think? Perfect candidate for Summer and Mercedes- Benz Swim Week or not? Make sure you check them out and if you love them, let me know which pair you end up purchasing. Click here to check them out.

Hope you like

Fashion Diary/ Editor's Journal: Monday Escape


Hello folks,
I hope you enjoyed your weekend and mother's day. I think my brothers and I did a good job giving my mother a few of her favorite things for the special day.

Editor's Note
I have been feeling pretty overwhelmed. I guess it comes with the territory. I have resolved that I have to get back to the simplicity of things. I am working for me! So why not make it fun. If I can have a moment of complete honesty , I will admit that confidence has been my biggest hurdle to jump. The crippling thoughts of whether or not I can succeed often make me my worst and most effective enemy. So my personal outlook is something that I am working on during my 90-Day-Prosperity Challenge. I am working on my mind, body and soul. I will do a post on the books I will be reading during this challenge.

Fashion Diary
So I decided to meet up with latest addition to the magazine, Milove, to snap a few pics of one of my favorite places in South Florida, Mizner Park.

Milove has the best shoes and accessories courtesy of Fashion Footware, which is a boutique that I am in love with that is located in Deerfield Beach. Her blouse is also from the store as well.  

Currently reading Joel Osteen's book on how to be happy. This is just one of the books that I am reading as part of the 90-Day- Prosperity Challenge. The other two books are for journaling and note taking for Worthy Magazine.

My shades and accessories also came from the store that Milove works at. My boots were a gift from my Aunty and my top and leggings are from H&M. I am rocking my Riri Woo lipstick and I never leave home without Cambridge Satchel that my big bro got for me. 

XOXO Hope you like 
Ju'lia Samuels 

Fashion Diary/ Editor's Journal: Riri Woo Lipstick Review


Hello all,
My Riri Woo lipstick came in today!! It made my entire day. I checked out a few other reviews before doing my own. Despite that, I have to admit that I LOVE the color. A lot of people are saying it's the same thing as Ruby Woo. I don't own Ruby Woo. I only have about 10 different lipstick colors from MAC. So for me this was a wonderful addition to my collection. The notable differences between Ruby and Riri pertains to the lipstick's application. The Retro Matte finish supposedly makes the color go on easy. The color is also said to not dry out so quickly. I noticed that the color does have a deeper blue undertone and I think it has a more drastic and romantic look to it. In my opinion there is a slight difference.

I will be back for more Riri Woo in June!! Let me know your thoughts and check out the video. I took a brief break from layout and working on Worthy Magazine. It's kinda my first time trying to do a video review. So be gentle.


Lilac and Lilies Trunk Show Jennifer Zeuner


Photo from Lilac and Lilies 
Photo from Lilac and Lilies' Facebook page 
Photo from Lilac and Lilies' Facebook page: Left: Dr. Patty, Center: Jennifer Zeuner Right: Michelle DiMarco owner of Lilac and Lilies 
Photo from Lilac and Lilies

Last week was a little busy. In addition to attending an awesome gifting suite, I attended a trunk show at Lilac and Lilies (an amazing boutique in Fort Lauderdale) for celebrity jewelry designer Jennifer Zeuner. The pieces were amazing and how cool is it that Lilac and Lilies carries her pieces. The entire event was a feast for the eyes and taste buds. Shoppers enjoyed wine and champagne, delectable bites and colorful desserts to take home while listening to Zeuner discuss her one-of-kind pieces. The story behind the designer's signature simplistic and stylish aesthetic will be posted on Worthy Magazine. But I wanted to make sure that I also blogged about my personal experience, which was amazing.

Some information on Jennifer Zeuner: You have more than likely seen her pieces on some of your favorite celebrity style icons. Her list of clients include: Beyonce, Rihanna and Jennifer Lopez. The first celebrity client who really brought media attention to Zeuner was actually Cameron Diaz. Seeing the pieces first hand, I cannot wait to make a couple of Zeuner's designs a part of my personal collection.

From my Instagram @Iamworthy_jc 
The one and only Ciera Hill of Heavenly Brat with Jennifer Zeuner .
Photo from my istagram
I hope you like the pics. XOXO