Fashion Diary Jonesing To Be A Wildsoul


Hello folks,
I hope all is well. I am still working on the upcoming issue of Worthy Magazine. I am editing articles and pictures and doing layout. But it is all done in love. Occasionally a break is required. A part from my 90-day-challenge, I find that coveting new items serves as a wonderful source of inspiration and relaxation. The latest item on my list comes from the one and only Young Republic, which has introduced a line of sunglasses which merges style and philanthropy. The line is called Wildsoul and they are the perfect treat for the eyes. 
Black Rhino was my favorite. Maybe I will give in and purchase them. I am searching for the perfect pair of shades for Mercedes- Benz Swim Week. 

Wild Soul was created on the premise that there are causes greater than our own that can and must be supported. We are dedicated to giving supporters of Wild Soul a platform to help the causes that are close to their heart.”
Wild Soul’s range of sunglasses which are all named after untamed animals (the Lion, the Owl, the Elephant, and the Rhino) help customers “be wild” while helping them “fulfil their soul”, giving a portion of each sale to a charity of the customer’s choice. “We decided the best way to succeed was to allow the customer to choose where their money will go.”
Each pair of sunglasses are meticulously crafted after the intricate features of the animal whose name they carry and are available in several rich and earthy colors using quality materials.

What do you think? Perfect candidate for Summer and Mercedes- Benz Swim Week or not? Make sure you check them out and if you love them, let me know which pair you end up purchasing. Click here to check them out.

Hope you like


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