New Beginnings a journey to completion


Well I am getting old. This is obvious. So I have a few new goals that I plan on implementing now. I have a lot interests that I would like to document. My hopes for this particular blog has now changed. I want this blog to be a true reflection of me. I am a complicated, busy, movie loving, fashion loving, poetic, foodie. I love positivity and uplifting others. So that is what I want you to see when you read this blog. My new blog will focus more on what is going on in the news. Ju'lia Catherine will become more personal. I am at the age that I feel I should be pretty clear about who I am. Unfortunately, I don't think I am. I am inviting anyone who is actually willing to take the time out of their day to read the blog to join me as I try to change what I don't like about myself and embrace what I do love about myself. I am hoping my lessons can be lessons for someone else as well.

If anyone is reading this or has been reading my blog, thank you!! I don't think it will be boring. I have been told I am pretty weird and no one really likes normal. So thanks for now. To New Beginnings.

New Years Resolutions

Meditate (intimate prayer every day)

Actually get a real hair care regimen

Stop being so shy

Increase my confidence

Learn French

Learn a new recipe every day

Write something worth reading every day

Finish my novel

Work out every day except Sunday


Ju’lia Samuels


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