Changes to the blog......?


Thoughts on how the blog should look. Should it be busy like me or should I keep it plain? Thoughts, comments or concerns? What is easier on your eyes?


Beatriz said...

i love ir white, but you could also think about putting another coloured backgroud :) kisses
Beatriz, i'm following ;)

Ju'lia said...

Thank you so much for the input and following!!!

Kasia W. said...

everybody likes sth different so you need to decide what you like;)

Ju'lia said...

Thank you for that!!! I Think I may just change it up every once in a while!! I like this for now :)
Thanks for stopping by!!!

Mbabazi said...

im a sucker for change im arleady planning to change my blog for the second time on a few months. I like the way it is but in the end if you like a certain something then go for it .lovely one btw

Ju'lia said...

Thank you for that!!! And thanks for stopping by!:)

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