Thoughts on how the blog should look. Should it be busy like me or should I keep it plain? Thoughts, comments or concerns? What is easier on your eyes?
Unless otherwise stated images on my blog were taken by me. All other images on this site are readily available on the Internet and are believed to be in public domain.Images posted are believed to be published according to the U.S. Copyright Fair Use Act (title 17, U.S. Code.)
i love ir white, but you could also think about putting another coloured backgroud :) kisses
Beatriz, i'm following ;)
Thank you so much for the input and following!!!
everybody likes sth different so you need to decide what you like;)
Thank you for that!!! I Think I may just change it up every once in a while!! I like this for now :)
Thanks for stopping by!!!
im a sucker for change im arleady planning to change my blog for the second time on a few months. I like the way it is but in the end if you like a certain something then go for it .lovely one btw
Thank you for that!!! And thanks for stopping by!:)
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