Model Featured In Three Fashion Shows During Fashion Week.....

 So I came across this today when I was looking for some things to discuss with you guys. I hope you find this interesting. So this beautiful lady in the pictures above is only 15 years old. There was an age requirement implemented for all the fashion shows for Fashion Week, which was 16. Her name is Hailey Clauson. She will be 16 next month She was featured in three fashion shows despite the age requirement. She was in DKNY, Oscar de la Renta and Diane von Furstenberg. 

Here is an excerpt from the article that I found.

"But the fact that Ms von Furstenberg is President of the CFDA makes it even more remarkable that such a young girl appeared in her show.
 'One of the guidelines, as you know, is not
to hire models under 16 in addition to making sure that all of them are properly fed.'Well, it is to my horror that I discovered last Friday that in spite of me repeating that to my production and casting people, one girl slipped through the cracks. One girl who will be 16 in March walked my show last week!
'I was horrified and terribly embarrassed. From now on I will instruct my casting people to demand IDs. I encourage you to do the same.
'Please accept my apology. I am trying to be a good leader and set an example … so please please accept my apology.'

What do you think? She is very pretty. 



Unknown said...

i love love love love !!

Mbabazi said...

she looks much older than 15 but i guess rules are there for a reason so its nice of diane to apologize. i hate that all the shows have extremely unhealthy lithe models.

Mode Hunter said...

The second girl is Daphne Groenveld but she is 15 also.

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