Brandy in Kontrol

I love Brandy. I have been a fan ever since I can remember. Her beauty is debatable and that is the only way it can ever be. EVERYTHING is so subjective. I think that she is Gorgeous. I don't really care what other people try to say.

I am super excited to see her on the cover of Kontrol magazine for the winter issue. I love the lighting. My only complaint is that I think she is so beautiful that she doesn't need such a drastic amount of colorful eye makeup. Thoughts?

Hope you like as much as I do,


Kasia W. said...

that red dress look awesome!

Anonymous said...

Love Brandy, the pictures are great and I agree she doesn't need all the eye colors. Great job!

LizAnn said...

She is so gorgeous, and looks amazing in all of these pictures! Definitely glamorous!

VPV Intern

Miss. Nik said...

This is such a nice layout of Brandy I do think she's pretty I like the dramatic eye on her she rarely wears so its nice to see her glammed up

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