Fashion Diary: My Valentine's Day

 So my Valentine's day was AMAZING for the first time. I went out to dinner with my friends. That took a lot of work. We didn't make reservations anywhere so it was darn near impossible to find a place to eat. So the other folks you see in my blog are Herisa and Jay. I generally don't support Valentine's day. The main reason I don't really like it is because it is a holiday that promotes buying stuff for people and it is usually something cheap. Like the ideal gift is chocolate. Call me spoiled and I will answer but I like chocolate almost every day.  I have never had anyone make the day special for me. The few times I was actually seeing someone the day was always a disaster. So this is one of the few times I had fun!!!! Hope you had a great day!!  

I really liked the way my shirt photographed that night :)

                   This is the exact same dish that I had but it lacked the pretty flower. I hadn't eaten all day so I didn't care.



The top looks so cute on you!

Amanda @ The Audacity of Color said...

Cute outfit!

Ju'lia said...

Thank you soooooo much!!!! <3

Anonymous said...

Love that jacket and the clutch. Pretty.

Ju'lia said...

Thank you!!!! :)

Mode Hunter said...

Loving the shoes!

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